
Your donation will go directly to supporting refugee families in Athens with accommodation, food and essential items. Our vital work relies on the generosity of regular people making regular contributions. Each donation makes a difference – together we can have a life-changing impact by providing shelter and safety at this very vulnerable time. The more funds we are able to raise, the more women and babies we can help. The need is huge.

If you prefer, you can make a donation directly into our bank account:

Lloyds Bank
Sort Code 309091
Account Number 67078668

UK Taxpayers can enable us to collect Gift Aid on banked donations by completing this form:

UK Gift Aid form

£15 would meet the needs of a baby for a week.
£25 would cover the rent for a mum and her baby for one week.
£50 would keep a mother well fed for 2 weeks, enabling her to breastfeed her baby.
£110 would pay a months rent for a family.

CRIBS International is a UK registered charity. Our charity number is 1173021.